We survive when we fulfill our physical needs.
We live when we fulfill our physical and our emotional needs.
@PappyOrion (TikTok, IG, X, YT)
On the ground in Congo #FreeCongo
Focus Congo (donaciones)
Donate to help displaced Congelese obtain shelter, education, medical supplies + more
El genocidio en el Congo y el silencio de la comunidad internacional (opinión)
Articulo, El Espectador, Febrero 2024
Zapatillas Para Congo #ShoesForCongoChallenge
instructiones y domicilio para donar zapatillas deportivas
Sign Action Network's Petition to Congress/Petición Para Congreso
Congress: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!
@OrtiPatricia (TikTok)
Congolese Advocate & War Survivor
Patricia's GoFundMe (donaciones)
Donate to Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp in Goma, North Kivu
What's Happening in Congo?
An IG Infographic
@BSonBlast (TikTok, IG, X,)
Daily Updates on Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan
Donaciones a Refugiados Sudaneses atrapados en Bosques de Etiopía
Donate to Sudanese refugees stranded in Olala forests, Ethiopia
Donaciones - Campamento de Desplazados en El Fasher, Sudan
Donate to El Fasher IDP Camp in Sudan
Donaciones a Cocinas de Jartum
Donate to Khartoum Kitchen Aid
Donaciones a Iniciativa de un millón de toallas sanitarias sostenibles
Donate to One Million Sustainable Pads Initiative
¿Qué consecuencias ha tenido el primer año de guerra en Sudán?
(YouTube) FRANCE 24 Español
Un Año De Conflicto En Sudán
(Articulo) Amnestia Internacional
Remembering One Year of War in Sudan
(YouTube) The Take by Al Jazeera
The War in Sudan
IG Infographics
How You can Help Sudan
A Twitter/X Thread with Infographics
Darfur Under Attack: The Case for Civilian Protection and Atrocity Prevention
YouTube Pre-Recorded Panel (2024) moderated by Kholood Khair
NUUAR Youtube Playlist (ENG Subtitles)
Personal Accounts of life in Sudan after the events of April 15, 2023
Keep Eyes on Sudan
Learn about Sudan, a website by the Sudanese Diaspora
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)
(Sudan) Non-profit centering MENA advocates & experts
Operación Rama de Olivo / Operation Olive Branch
Movimiento organizado para promover la seguridad y el bienestar de familias
SHEHAB Aldin Donations/Donaciónes a Shehab Aldin (Periodista) y su familia
Pestaña #PressHereos, Linea 14 de Operación Rama de Olivo
Help Palestine
Ways to help, Petitions to Sign, Where to Donate and More
The Palestine Academy
Education on Palestine & Helping Palestinians reclaim their narrative
BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement
Info on the Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality
OFC Action Links
Ways to Stay Informed & Stand in Solidarity with Palestine
Wait! I have
Emotional Needs?????
Jae's Truth Serum YouTube Video
The Patterns
behind unwanted thoughts
Jae's Truth Serum YouTube Video
About Jae